Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
We are pleased to introduce the newest option for earnest money payments electronic delivery! This new feature allows for a fully digital transfer of funds and will save you - and your clients - time.
Click Your Location Below To Send Your EMD payments.
To complete a fully digital transfer of your EMD payment, you will need:
Checking Account Number
Routing Number
This feature can be used for EMD payments $200,000 or less.
Benefits to Using Our Fully Digital Transfer of Funds
more racing to the title office to deposit your funds in 72 hours
more waiting on wiring instructions
more trips to the bank
What Is Earnest Money?
When Do I Pay Earnest Money?
Where Does The Earnest Money Go?
Does Earnest Money Count Towards The Cost Of The House?
What Is the Verification Process?
• Last four digits of their Social Security Number (SSN)
• Current address
• Legal first and last name If the above information does not satisfy our verification score, then a buyer will provid their full SSN. For the less-than-10% of buyers whose full SSN does not satisfy the verification process, our system will ask for a valid form of identification. These are:
• U.S. passport
• State-issued I.D
• U.S. driver’s license Finally, if automatic verification is not possible we can manually verify.
Why Would Manual Verification Be Required?
• A buyer did not use his or her legal first or last name.
• A buyer recently moved so the system cannot match the address provided with the address on public record.
• A buyer mistyped their name, address or SSN.
• A buyer provides ITIN instead of SSN.
• A non-valid document was uploaded like an expired driver’s license, nonofficial form of ID or identification document containing a blurry photo.